The East London club for all kinds of sports cycling

London Bicycle Film Festival

In case you weren't aware, the international bicycle film festival comes to London this week - Thursday to Saturday.

The opening night party is free, and tickets for the 2 film nights are £6 each. I'll be going on Friday because a) I'm busy on Saturday, and b) it's got more stylish fixed gear films!

Maybe see some of you there?


Due to there being no club night this week (bank holiday), members may be unaware of potential ideas for this coming weekend's clubrun.

Perhaps people would like to post their suggestions by adding comments at the end of this notice.

Here's an idea to get the ball rolling: something that finishes in Westminster in order to catch the final stage of the Tour of Britain...


Don will be leading a 50 mile club run on Sunday 4th September, to lunch at a place called Moore's Ditch just north of Ingatestone, in Essex. Leaving Walthamstow Town Hall at 9am. All welcome.

Trevor will be participating in a pre-event of the London stage of the Tour of Britain on Sunday 4th September, and welcomes cheers and support from the sidelines. His event kicks of around 11am, close to Whitehall. Click here for more info.

(Update by Gideon, 31st Aug)



3 nights in Ghent with 3 track sessions

November 2005

Friday 25, Saturday 26, Sunday 27

(Return home on Monday 28)

We are booking two hotels, which are adjacent to the velodrome. The picturesque town centre of Ghent is just a short walk away, with its many restaurants and bars that are open all hours.

We will be traveling independently in our own luxury 49 seat coach.

For more information, or to book your place click here

Race Information

The closing date for the club 25 mile time trial is Tuesday 16th August. Post or email your completed entry-form to Don Keen now.
The Len Waters 25
Is a race for teams of 5, not riding together but the times of individual riders are put together to obtain an overall time.
It would be great if the Lea Valley could put up two teams.
The date of the event is Saturday 10th September and the closing date is Wednesday 7th September. Post or email your entries to Don Keen.
For further events checkout the useful documents tab on the right

Tony Keen


It is with great sadness that we report the passing of Tony Keen.

Tony joined the club in the early seventies, becoming club timekeeper and treasurer for many years. Indeed, up until recently Tony was still timekeeping for us.

Tony was president of our club during 1996-1998, a job he was proud and honoured to hold.

Tony was diagnosed with cancer in the brain in May this year and spent his last remaining weeks in hospital in Peterborough, near to Whittlesey where he and Pat moved to some 4 years ago.

Our heartfelt feelings go out to Pat, Steven and Helen and the rest of their family at this time of great loss.

Tony’s funeral will take place at St. Andrews Church, Church Street, Whittlesey at 11.30am and after at Peterborough Crematorium at 12.30 pm and after at Pat And Tony’s house 14, Elm Park, Whittlesey, Peterborough, PE7 1EW

If you wish to attend the funeral you may obtain further information from Michael Keen 020 7253 2370 (daytime)

Monthly Club Run

Lea Valley cyclists will take to the road on Sunday 7th August, for a monthly club run.

The ride, which will be around 65 miles, will leave Walthamstow Town Hall at 9am sharp. The route is expected to suit both newbies, and more experienced cyclists. The ride will be to Ugley in Essex, via The Hadhams.

All welcome!

If you're coming, drop an email to before Friday afternoon.

20 members line up for Len Cooper

Twenty club cyclists, including new members, lined up for the start of the Len Cooper Memorial Circuit race on the 25th August. The race is a half-serious, half-friendly hour in the saddle, in memory of the much missed member.

Club chairman Ian Bailey led the first "gentleman's" lap - with no rider permitted to overtake him. But after that... Whoosh! Off went the category B riders (novices), chasing for the first prime lap (prime), with a prize of £5 for the fastest around lap five.

Category A riders (more experienced), had a more gentle start, over a quarter of a lap behind Category Bs. With the fear of the B group being just 50 yards behind them, they made an effort to keep the distance.

Armin Hersch, riding in the B group, thought about jumping the gap but was unable to do so. He did maintain his lead, and managed to collect the first prime.

Five laps later still saw Armin at the front, with the A group racing hard to catch up - and prevent him from picking up the second prime. No such luck, Armin scraped past the line with about 10 yards to spare.

Lap 15 was the last prime lap, producing some frantic racing. A group had well caught all the B riders, lapping some and leaving the fast racing members to do battle. Scarlett Parker used his recent road racing experience to nip out the front, grabbing the final prime while no one was looking.

Some 45 minutes, plus five laps, and the race was coming to an end. The chequered flag was out and so were the eyeballs of the riders heading for the line.

Trevor Whittock had the line in his sight and, with all his experience, had the race win in sight. But then newcomer Scarlett, the hill climber, took it from Trevor with about six inches to spare. One of the best and most closely fought Len Cooper Memorials we have seen.

A great evening was had by all. This being the first meeting at our new clubroom not only saw a superb race, but welcomed along members normally unable to get to club on a Monday.

Around 50 club members and families enjoyed the race, as well as teas and cakes ably supplied and served by Eileen, Gloria and Jill.

Mike, Frida and Lorraine did a sterling job in the box, keeping check on who had been lapped and who was winning.

Lets hope the future turnout on a Monday night is as good.

Full results, click here (PDF).

Report by Don Keen.

Club Nights

Club nights are held every Tuesday, 7 pm to 10 pm in the Bowling Pavilion, in the "Score" sports complex opposite the Leyton Orient football ground, which is in Oliver Road.

To see a map of our location, click here.
A red circle marks exactly where we are.

The easiest way to find the Pavilion is to come into the "Score" car park with the Orient football ground behind you on the other side of Oliver Road. The 5-a-side pitches will be to your left and the main "Score" building to your right.

Go straight to the back of the car park and turn left onto the footpath which runs behind the 5-a-side pitches. The Pavilion is the building at the end of the path. You can't miss it as it's the only building there and there is an artificial bowling green at the back.

Come along for some tea and cake and have a relaxing evening
with us.