The East London club for all kinds of sports cycling

How to post a comment

This website is for you to use, to find out more about Lea Valley Cycling Club, to communicate with other LVCC members, to discuss and make comments.

That means you can post a comment, in response to anything on the site. Here’s how you do it…

- At the end of any post or feature on the website, appears something like the following line:

posted by Lea Valley Cycling Club at 12:30 AM / 2 comments

If you click on 2 comments, you can read any comments already made by others to this post.

0 means nobody has made a comment, 1 means one person has made a comment, you work out the rest.

To leave your comment, simply type it in the box on the right.

Once you’ve typed your comment, you should click ‘Other’ or ‘Anonymous’ according to whether you want to identify yourself… we’d prefer you to, but it is up to you.

If you click other, it’ll ask you for your name, and invite you to put in a web address (in case you have your own website!!).

If you click anonymous, your post will be exactly that… but that doesn’t stop you from putting your name in to your comment, does it?

Click Publish Your Comment, and it’ll go live.. it’ll take you to where you can see your post.

Please see here for some guidelines about posting comments on