Prize evening: Help needed !
The Club Presentation Evening
As you will know this is on the 25th of February at the Eastway from 7.30pm.
Instead of having our usual dinner dance we will be holding a presentation evening.
There will be buffet, the presentation of the Club Trophies, a raffle , and a Quiz, as well as lots of time to talk with you fellow members about last year’s triumphs and your plans to surpass your self this year.
It will, I am sure, be a night to remember. Invitations will be with you in the next 2 weeks. Tickets will be £10 an adult and £ 5 for children.
All this will take a bit of organising and some how I have become the person to do this.
Obviously, I can’t do this on my own so I am posting this appeal to club members to help me and the club make this a great evening.
I need, in no particular order:
- Help to get the Eastway Club room ready and cleaned up afterward – we will have the club room from 6.00 pm and will want to decorate the room.
- Offers of prizes for the raffle- some of which can be humorous
- Volunteer to run the raffle
- Offers to prepare and or serve food for the buffet. I can pay for the cost of ingredients
- Ideas for the evening
- Questions for the Quiz
- Music
There will be a meeting at the Eastway on the 23rd to discuss the presentation evening and plan for the evening.
If you are interested in helping then please come along. If you can’t then email or call me (0208 558 3605) instead.
Thanks, Ed Ward.
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