Spring has Sprung: Dates for your Diary
All of a sudden it's not so dark at night, not quite so cold in the morning and (have you noticed?) there seems to be dozens of cyclists about.
It's diaries out time for an action packed few months of cycling for leisure, for pleasure, for glory and more…
With a major cycling festival on the way, bank holidays a plenty and the sheer bloody minded determination of some, there’s plenty of opportunity to get out there.
Wed April 12th, 7am – Walt Town Hall
The action starts with a 25 mile early morning training ride – the usual one a few LVCCers are crazy enough to attempt each week, but this week shifted to a day earlier. (Note: this ride is weekly, but usually occurs on a Thursday).
Good Friday, April 14th, 9.30am – Walt Town Hall
A special ‘extra’ club run this one, through the streets of London and finishing up at Herne Hill velodrome to watch the Good Friday races (£12 for adults, £6 for children, £30 for a family ticket, don’t forget your D-lock!). More details here. Be on time! (Same Friday, 8am, training circuits at the Eastway, for those who want to complement the Good Friday ride, or who can’t make the day trip).
Saturday, April 15th, time tbc, Walt Town Hall
Likely to be a 25-30 mile Essex jaunt/training ride with a reasonably early start. For full details, click on the Join/Organise a ride button to the right. This may not happen, so do click for confirmation and let us know if you’re up for it. Note: This rise is NOT happening, but a training ride at Richmond Park IS! See Join/Organise a ride.
Monday, April 17th, 9am sharp, Walt Town Hall - ride now confirmed
This time a longer ride – likely to be 80+ miles, getting fish and chips in Southend, then coming back on the train or on two wheels. Click on Join/Organise a ride to see what’s going on.
(Note: there is no weekly club night this Monday night, due to the Easter holidays)
Sunday, April 23rd, 8.30am, Club Race HQ
One for the Time Trialers this, it’s a 30 miler on the E1/30 course. Entry has passed, and half a dozen LVCCers are participating. Why not join in the fun and support fellow members?
Saturday, April 29th – Monday, 1st May, all over the area
This is the Big One! It’s the 2006 Eastern Counties Cycling Festival, with events ranging from a 10 mile Time Trial at Eastway (organised by us! Volunteers please!) on the Saturday, to an elite road race around the Essex Lanes the same afternoon. Sunday sees map reading contests, as well as a tandem and 2-up 25 mile time trial. Monday concludes with more time trials, and a 200k and 100k audax. Phew!
For more information on the cycling festival, visit the ECCA website by clicking here.
So, it’s going to be a busy few weeks, but lots of fun – with plenty of opportunities for beginners and experienced alike to get out spinning! Enjoy, and hey, don’t forget to post your comments, experiences and race reports at this website!
Remember: The ‘Join or Organise a Ride’ forum (click the button on the right) is your tool for organising a spin – for fun or training, so do use it! If you fancy a weekend ride to the Race HQ, maybe someone else does too! Getting up at 7am to do reps up Mott Street? Someone else might be that crazy as well. You’ll never know unless you look.
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